Advantages of using Color Glo.
Recliners | Sofas | Kitchen Chairs | Pool Liners |Dining Room Chairs | Patio Furniture | Carpeting
On-Site Leather and Vinyl Repair Service
Property never leaves the customer’s site.
Convenient for our customers.
Eliminates customer down-time for drop-off and pick-up.
Higher Resale for Restored Leather
You can count on a higher resale price for restored items.
Increased profit margins.
Affordable partnerships with Color Glo.
Your property is always secure.
Permanent and Environmentally Safe Leather Restoration
Water-based products.
Non-flammable and odorless.
Reconditioned items dry in minutes and can be used almost immediately.
Types of Repairs
Tears, Holes, Scratches, Burns, Fading, Stains, Peeling & Cracks